
General information
Name: Claroideoglomus claroideum
Mycorriza Bank #: Location Sate Country Latitude / Longitude
CMCC/AM-2701 Jaisalmer Rajasthan India 26.9157° N, 70.9083° E
CMCC/AM-2704 Germany 51.1657° N, 10.4515° E
CMCC/AM-2705 Germany 51.1657° N, 10.4515° E
CMCC/AM-2706 Delhi Delhi India 28.5843° N, 77.1638° E
Classification and associated taxa
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Glomeromycota
Class: Glomeromycetes
Order: Glomerales
Family: Claroideoglomeraceae
Genus: Claroideoglomus
Biochemical information
Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) C-12,C-14,C-16,C-18,C-18:1
Functional information
Percentage enhancement of morphological parameters as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Shoot Length Number of branches Shoot fresh weight Shoot dry weight
CMCC/AM-2701 11.2 5.3 75.1 24.9
CMCC/AM-2704 35 34.2 0.7 12.1
CMCC/AM-2705 14.5 10.5 91.1 40.5
CMCC/AM-2706 12.6 2.6 1.6 6.2
Percentage enhancement of macro nutrient parameters as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
CMCC/AM-2701 0.79 363.32 128.40
CMCC/AM-2704 0.12 247.49 191.46
CMCC/AM-2705 1.52 414.80 105.11
CMCC/AM-2706 0.40 131.66 96.88
Percentage enhancement of micro nutrient parameters with as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Iron Manganese Zinc Copper
CMCC/AM-2701 196.72 362.75 9.9 700
CMCC/AM-2704 126.20 214.76 NS 300
CMCC/AM-2705 182.35 354.33 NS 100
CMCC/AM-2706 83.64 228.53 NS
Biocontrol efficacy *
Pathogen Fusarium oxysporum Rhizoctonia solani
CMCC/AM-2701 25.12 16.66
CMCC/AM-2704 43.56 25.56
CMCC/AM-2705 31.25 20.00
CMCC/AM-2706 42.22 25.56
NS= Not significant
Spores of Claroideoglomus claroideum

Spore Shape: The spore shape varies from globose to subglobose; sometimes ovoid with one subtending hypha.

Spore Color: Color of mature spore varies from cream to pale yellow.

Average diameter: 80-180 μm

Spore after reaction with Melzer's Reagent

Layer 1: it is the outermost mucilaginous, hyaline layer, and tightly adherent to layer 2.

Layer 2: The layer is semi-flexible, smooth and hyaline. It is non-reactive with Melzer's reagent.

Layer 3: This layer is laminated, smooth and is composed of tightly adherent sub-layers.

Layer 4: It is smooth, flexible, and hyaline. It is attached to the inner surface of the laminate layer of a subtending hypha.