
General information
Name: Claroideoglomus etunicatum
Mycorriza Bank #: Location Sate Country Latitude / Longitude
CMCC/AM-1206 Jaisalmer Rajasthan India 26.9157° N, 70.9083° E
CMCC/AM-1207 Jodhpur Rajasthan India 26.2389° N, 73.0243° E
CMCC/AM-1215 Jaisalmer Rajasthan India 26.9157° N, 70.9083° E
CMCC/AM-1219 Ahmedabad Gujarat India 23.0225° N, 72.5714° E
CMCC/AM-1220 Jamnagar Gujarat India 22.4707° N, 70.0577° E
CMCC/AM-1221 Jaipur Rajasthan India 26.9157° N, 70.9083° E
CMCC/AM-1223 Jaisalmer Rajasthan India 26.9157° N, 70.9083° E
CMCC/AM-1224 Jaisalmer India 26.9157° N, 70.9083° E
CMCC/AM-1225 Mukteshwar Uttarakhand India 29.4604° N, 79.6558° E
CMCC/AM-1226 Jodhpur Rajasthan India 26.9157° N, 70.9083° E
CMCC/AM-1227 Jaipur Rajasthan India 26.9157° N, 70.9083° E
Classification and associated taxa
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Glomeromycota
Class: Glomeromycetes
Order: Glomerales
Family: Claroideoglomeraceae
Genus: Claroideoglomus
Biochemical information
Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) C-12,C-14,C-14:1,C-16,C-16:1,C-18,C-18:1
Functional information
Percentage enhancement of morphological parameters as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Shoot Length Number of branches Shoot fresh weight Shoot dry weight
CMCC/AM-1206 35.5 7.9 104.7 34.9
CMCC/AM-1207 45.3 2.6 85.4 28.1
CMCC/AM-1215 3.6 2.6 0.5 8.5
CMCC/AM-1219 2.1 2.6 5.3 4.8
CMCC/AM-1220 3.3 21 5.5 0.5
CMCC/AM-1221 0.4 13.1 3.2 25.9
CMCC/AM-1223 0.3 8.1 3 5.9
CMCC/AM-1224 1.6 5.2 5.8 32.7
CMCC/AM-1225 1.6 2.6 3.6 27.2
CMCC/AM-1226 9.6 5.2 12.5 22
CMCC/AM-1227 3.6 21 20.2 42.8
Percentage enhancement of macro nutrient parameters as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
CMCC/AM-1206 1.44 389.06 215.38
CMCC/AM-1207 2.55 260.36 195.32
CMCC/AM-1215 0.62 414.80 132.39
CMCC/AM-1219 1.15 260.36 136.73
CMCC/AM-1220 0.12 260.36 254.51
CMCC/AM-1221 0.78 247.49 116.50
CMCC/AM-1223 0.55 118.79 136.70
CMCC/AM-1224 1.44 170.27 124.54
CMCC/AM-1225 1.15 183.14 136.60
CMCC/AM-1226 0.51 170.27 124.76
CMCC/AM-1227 0.60 260.36 144.26
Percentage enhancement of micro nutrient parameters with as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Iron Manganese Zinc Copper
CMCC/AM-1206 144.45 591.07 NS 1300
CMCC/AM-1207 237.74 410.46 NS NS
CMCC/AM-1215 4.14 298.92 NS NS
CMCC/AM-1219 NS 104.87 NS NS
CMCC/AM-1220 NS 158.63 NS 600
CMCC/AM-1221 119.61 431.39 NS NS
CMCC/AM-1223 242.83 543.63 NS NS
CMCC/AM-1224 102.82 201.51 NS NS
CMCC/AM-1225 357.30 331.91 NS NS
CMCC/AM-1226 143.49 284.21 NS NS
CMCC/AM-1227 8.21 290.75 NS NS
Biocontrol efficacy *
Pathogen Fusarium oxysporum Rhizoctonia solani
CMCC/AM-1206 42.22 25.56
CMCC/AM-1207 44.40 35.00
CMCC/AM-1215 33.33 37.50
CMCC/AM-1219 33.33 12.50
CMCC/AM-1220 22.22 12.50
CMCC/AM-1221 30.56 37.50
CMCC/AM-1223 33.33 12.50
CMCC/AM-1224 33.33 12.50
CMCC/AM-1225 22.22 37.50
CMCC/AM-1226 33.30 31.00
CMCC/AM-1227 22.22 37.50
NS= Not significant
Spores of Claroideoglomus etunicatum

Spore Shape: The majority of mature spores are globose and oval in shape.

Spore Color: Young juvenile spores were hyaline and yellow to brownish when mature.

Average diameter: 90-250 μm

Layer 1 (L1): This is the evanescent outermost mucilaginous layer which is formed in young juvenile spores and also along the subtending hyphal wall. This layer degrades or sloughs off as the spore matures and at maturity, it may be absent or present in patches. Developmentally, this wall layer is the first layer to be formed in the juvenile spores. Generally, organic materials gets accumulated on the wall surface resulting in no reaction in Melzer's reagent. In some young spores, this is stained pink with Melzers reagent. The average thickness of this layer lies between 0.5 to and 2.5 μm.

Layer 2 (L2): The inner layer also known as laminated wall layer is initiated as a single layer. The subsequent adherent sub-layers are formed as the spore matures. All the sub-layers possess the same phenotypic properties. Stains light brown to red brown in Melzer's and the average thickness lies between 4.0 to and 6.5 μm in mature spores.