
General information
Name: Funneliformis Sp.
Mycorriza Bank #: Location Sate Country Latitude / Longitude
CMCC/AM-1507 Palwal Haryana India 28.1487° N, 77.3320° E
Classification and associated taxa
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Glomeromycota
Class: Glomeromycetes
Order: Glomerales
Family: Glomeraceae
Genus: Funneliformis
Biochemical information
Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) C-12,C-14,C-14:1,C-16,C-16:1,C-18,C-18:1
Functional information
Percentage enhancement of morphological parameters as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Shoot Length Number of branches Shoot fresh weight Shoot dry weight
CMCC/AM-1507 1 22.7 0.9 27.2
Percentage enhancement of macro nutrient parameters as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
CMCC/AM-1507 0.52 221.75 148.03
Percentage enhancement of micro nutrient parameters with as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Iron Manganese Zinc Copper
CMCC/AM-1507 54.21 330.86 NS NS
Biocontrol efficacy *
Pathogen Fusarium oxysporum Rhizoctonia solani
CMCC/AM-1507 11.11 25.00
NS= Not significant
Spores of Funneliformis sp

The spores are formed either singly or in group of 15-20 and are surrounded by mycelial mantle.

The spores have distinguished funnel-shaped subtending hyphae.

The number of spore wall varies from 2-3 with hyaline outermost layer.