
General information
Name: Paraglomus majewskii
Mycorriza Bank #: Location Sate Country Latitude / Longitude
CMCC/AM-1702 Jaisalmer Rajasthan India 26.9157° N, 70.9083° E
Classification and associated taxa
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Glomeromycota
Class: Glomeromycetes
Order: Paraglomerales
Family: Paraglomeraceae
Genus: Paraglomus
Biochemical information
Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) C-12,C-14,C-16,C-18,C-18:1
Functional information
Percentage enhancement of morphological parameters as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Shoot Length Number of branches Shoot fresh weight Shoot dry weight
CMCC/AM-1702 16.4 7.8 46 33.1
Percentage enhancement of macro nutrient parameters as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium
CMCC/AM-1702 0.28 363.32 163.79
Percentage enhancement of micro nutrient parameters with as compared with un-inoculated control on Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)
Iron Manganese Zinc Copper
CMCC/AM-1702 76.32 224.11 NS 200
Biocontrol efficacy *
Pathogen Fusarium oxysporum Rhizoctonia solani
CMCC/AM-1702 33.30 20.00
NS= Not significant
Spores of Paraglomus majewskii

Shape: Spores are globose to sub-globose in shape and sometime slightly oval with a smooth surface.

Color: Spores are mostly hyaline; however, some of the mature spores appear light brown to pale yellow in colour. Spores show very less or no reaction with both PVLG (Polyvinyl alcohol acid glycerol) and Melzer's:PVLG.

Average diameter: 140.15 (210.76) to 320.18 μm

Spore after reaction with PVLG

Spore wall: Three layers, L1, L2 and L3. L1 seen as a mucilaginous hyaline layer. L2 is laminated and L3 adheres to L2 and is flexible and smooth.

L3 does not show strong reaction towards Melzer's: PVLG.

Spore wall layer-1 (L1): Outermost mucilaginous hyaline layer, showing no reaction in Melzer's: PVLG. The average thickness of this layer lies between 0.5 and 1.75 μm.

Spore wall layer-2 (L2): Laminated layer next to L1. The layer is smooth and the thickest. The layer is slightly hyaline and shows no or very less reaction with Melzer's: PVLG. The average thickness of this layer lies between 1.5 and 4.5 μm.

Spore wall layer-3 (L3): This layer lies closely adhered to the innermost sub-layer of L2. L3 is flexible and smooth with an average thickness of 0.2 and 0.6μm.

L3 does not show strong reaction towards Melzer's: PVLG.

Subtending hypha: Mostly cylindrical to slightly flared hyaline subtending hyphae seen. The width of the subtending hyphae at the spore bases ranges from 2.54-3.83 μm.

The subtending hyphae consists of two wall layers hyphal wall layer 1 (HWL-1) and hyphal wall layer 2 (HWL-2), that are continuous to the L2 and L3 of the spore, respectively.