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A history of the taxonomy and systematics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi belonging to the phylum Glomeromycota...
Mycorrhiza, 22 (4): 247-258p. , 2012
Sidney Luiz Stürmer |
A key role for arbuscular mycorrhiza in plant acquisition of P from sewage sludge recycled to soil...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 115: 11-20, 2017
Mackay J E*, Cavagnaro T R, Stöver D S M, Macdonald L M, Grønlund M, Jakobsen I. 2017 |
A leafless epiphytic orchid, Taeniophyllum glandulosum Blume (Orchidaceae), is specifically associated with the Ceratobasidia...
Mycorrhiza. 29(2): 159-166., 2019
Rammitsu K.*, Yagame T., Yamashita Y., Yukawa T., Isshiki S. and Ogura-Tsujita Y. |
A limiting source of organic nitrogen induces specific transcriptional responses in the extraradical structures of the endomy...
Current genetics. 51(1): 59-70p., 2007
Cappellazzo G., *Lanfranco L., Bonfante P. |
A lysin motif effector subverts chitin‐triggered immunity to facilitate arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis....
New Phytologist. 225(1): 448-460., 2019
Zeng T.*, Rodriguez-Moreno L., Mansurkhodzaev A., Wang P., van den Berg W., Gasciolli V., Cottaz S., Fort S., Thomma P. P. H. J., Bono J. J., Bisseling T. and Limpens E. |
A Medicago truncatula phosphate transporter indispensable for the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis....
PNAS. 104(5): 1720-1725., 2007
Javot H.*, Penmesta V., Terzaghi N., Cook D. R. and Harrison M. J. |
A Medicago truncatula SWEET transporter implicated in arbuscule maintenance during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis....
New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.15975, 2019
An J.*, Zeng T., Ji C., De Graaf S., Zheng Z., Xiao T. T., Deng X., Xiao S., Bisseling T., Limpens E. and Pan Z. |
A member of the germin-like protein family is a highly conserved mycorrhiza-specific induced gene...
Plant-and-Cell-Physiology. 44(11): 1208-1214p., 2003
Doll, J, Hause,-B, Demchenko,-K, Pawlowski,-K, *Krajinski,-F |
A meta-analysis of arbuscular mycorrhizal effects on plants grown under salt stress...
Mycorrhiza 24(8): 611-625p., 2014
Murugesan Chandrasekaran, Sonia Boughattas, Shuijin Hu, Sang-Hyon Oh, *Tongmin Sa |
A meta-analysis of context-dependency in plant response to inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi...
Ecology Letters. 13(3): 394-407p., 2010
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A method to minimize the time needed for formation of mycorrhizas in sweet corn seedlings for outplanting using AM fungus ino...
Scientia Horticulturae. 203:62-68p., 2016
D. Douds D., Wilson O D., Seidel R., Ziegler-Ulsh C. |
A model that explains diversity patterns of arbuscular mycorrhizas...
Ecological Modelling, 231(April): 146-152p. , 2012
Veresoglou, S.D*., Halley, J.M. |
A modified perlite protocol with a mixed dimethyl sulfoxide and trhalose cryoprotectant improves the viability of frozen cult...
Mycologia. 111(1): 161-176., 2019
Sato M.*, Inaba S., Sukenobe J., Sasaki T., Inoue R., Noguchi M. and Nakagiri A. |
A modified staining technique for arbuscular mycorrhiza compatible with molecular probes...
Mycorrhiza. 19(2): 125-131p., 2009
Pitet M., Camprubi A., Calvet C., Estaun V*. |
A molecular and morphological analysis of the genus Rhizopogon subgenus Villosuli section Villosuli as a preface to ecologica...
Mycologia 106(2): 353-361p., 2014
Bubriski R., *Kennedy P. |
A molecular contribution to the assessment of the Tricholoma equestre species complex...
Fungal Biology, 117(2): 145-155p., 2013
Serge Moukha, Cyril Férandon, Erika Beroard, Jacques Guinberteau, Benoît Castandet, Philippe Callac, Edmond Creppy, Gérard Barroso |
A molecular guide to the taxonomy of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi...
New Phytologist, 193(4): 823-826p., 2012
Young, J.P.W. |
A molecular survey of ectomycorrhizal hyphae in a California Quercus–Pinus woodland...
Mycorrhiza 20(4): 265-274p. , 2010
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A multigene phylogeny toward a new phylogenetic classification of Leotiomycetes....
IMA Fungus. 10(1)., 2019
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A MYB coiled-coil transcription factor interacts with NSP2 and is involved in nodulation in Lotus japonicus...
New Phytologist 201(3): 837-849p., 2014
Kang H., Chu X., Wang, C., Xiao, A., Zhu H., Yuan S., Yang Z., Ke D., Xiao S., Hong Z., *Zhang Z. |
A mycorrhizal fungus grows on biochar and captures phosphorus from its surfaces...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 77(October): 252–260p., 2014
Edith C. Hammer, Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad, Iver Jakobsen, Pål Axel Olsson, Susan L.S. Stipp, Matthias C. Rillig |
A Mycorrhizal Revolution...
Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 44: 1-6., 2018
Hoystead G. A.*, Kowal J., Jacob A., Rimington W. R., Duckett J. G., Pressel S., Orchard S., Ryan M. H., Field K. J. and Bidartondo M. I. |
A Mycorrhizal-Specific Ammonium Transporter from Lotus japonicus Acquires Nitrogen Released by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi...
Plant Physiology. 150(1): 73-83p., 2009
Guether M., Neuhauser B., Balestrini R., Dynowski M., Ludewig U., Bonfante P. |
A narrow group of monophyletic Tulasnella (Tulasnellaceae) symbiont lineages are associated with multiple species of Chiloglo...
American Journal of Botany. 97(8): 1313-1327p. , 2010.
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A native and an invasive dune grass share similar, patchily distributed, root-associated fungal communities...
Fungal Ecology. 23:141-155p., 2016
Johansen R. B., Johnston P., Mieczkowski P., Perry G. L. W., Robeson M. S., Burns B. R., Vilgalys R. |
A native Glomus intraradices strain from a Mediterranean saline area exhibits salt tolerance and enhanced symbiotic efficienc...
Plant and Soil, 366(1-2): 333-349p. , 2013
Estrada, B., Barea, J.M., Aroca, R., Ruiz-Lozano, J.M. |
A native Glomus sp. from fields in Aydn province and effects of native and commercial mycorrhizal fungi inoculants on the gro...
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A new approach to fire blight control: Mycorrhiza...
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A new Entoloma (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales) from Tasmania...
Mycotaxon.107: 175-179p., 2009
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A new hypothesis on the strategy for acquisition of phosphorus in arbuscular mycorrhiza: up-regulation of secreted acid phosp...
Molecular-Plant-Microbe-Interactions. 18(10): 1046-1053p., 2005
Ezawa,T., Hayatsu,M., Saito,M |
A new model of carbon and phosphorus transfers in arbuscular mycorrhizas...
New Phytologist.177(2): 466-479p., 2008
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A new mycorrhizal helper bacterium, Ralstonia species, in the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis between Pinus thunbergii and Suillus ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils. 45(3): 315-320p., 2009
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A new species of Lactarius (subgenus gerardii) from two relict Fagus grandifolia var. mexicana populations in Mexican Montane...
Mycologia, 104 (1): 175-181p. , 2012
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A new species of Lenzitopsis (Thelephorales, Basidiomycota) and its phylogenetic placement ...
Mycoscience, 54(1): 87-92p., 2013
Li-Wei Zhou, Urmas Kõljalg |
A new system using Solanum tuberosum for the co-cultivation of Glomus intraradices and its potential for mass producing spore...
Symbiosis 59(2): 87-97p., 2013
Anshul Puri, *Alok Adholeya |
A new whitish truffle, Tuber thailandicum from northern Thailand and its ectomycorrhizal association...
Mycological Progress, 2015
Nakarin Suwannarach; Jaturong Kumla; Saisamorn Lumyong |
A nitrogen fertilization field study of carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 transfers in ectomycorrhizas of Pinus sabiniana...
Oecologia 173(4): 1439-1450p., 2013
Albarracín M.V., Six J., Houlton B.Z., Bledsoe C.S. |
A non-toxic polymer enhances sorghum-mycorrhiza symbiosis for bioremediation of Cd....
Mycorrhiza. 29(4): 375-387., 2019
Babadi M.*, Zalaghi R. and Taghavi M. |
A nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum strain enhances phytoextraction of heavy metals by the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Han...
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A novel CO2‐responsive systemic signaling pathway controlling plant mycorrhizal symbiosis....
New Phytologist. 224(1): 106-116., 2019
Zhou Y*, Ge S., Jin L., Yao K., Wang Y., Wu X., Zhou J., Xia X., Shi K., Foyer C. H. and Yu J. |
A novel in vitro cultivation system to produce and isolate soluble factors released from hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fun...
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A novel lipid signal in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis within eyesight? ...
New Phytologist. 185(3): 593-595p., 2010
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A novel plant-fungus symbiosis benefits the host without forming mycorrhizal structures...
New Phytologist 201(4): 1413-1422p., 2014
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A novel plant–fungus symbiosis benefits the host without forming mycorrhizal structures...
New Phytologist, 201(4): 1413-1422p., 2014
Khalil Kariman, Susan J. Barker, Ricarda Jost, Patrick M. Finnegan, Mark Tibbett |
A novel technique for isolating orchid mycorrhizal fungi...
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A nurse plant benefits from facilitative interactions through mycorrhizae....
Plant Biology. 21(4): 670-676., 2019
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A PCR-based tool for the cultivation-independent monitoring of Pandora neoaphidis...
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A petunia ABC protein controls strigolactone-dependent symbiotic signalling and branching...
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A petunia mutant affected in intracellular accommodation and morphogenesis of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi...
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A pH signaling mechanism involved in the spatial distribution of calcium and anion fluxes in ectomycorrhizal roots...
New Phytologist. 181(2): 448-462p., 2009
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