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Bradyrhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi modulate manganese, iron, phosphorus, and polyphenols in soybean (Glycine max ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany.137: 1–13p., 2017
Ibiang Y. B., Mitsumoto H., Sakamoto K. |
Branching of fungal hyphae: regulation, mechanisms and comparison with other branching systems...
Mycologia. 100(6): 823-832p., 2008
Harris S. D. |
Brassinosteroids affect the symbiosis between the AM fungus Rhizoglomus irregularis and Solanaceous Host Plants....
Frontiers in Plant Science. 10(571)., 2019
Von Sivers L.*, Jaspar H., Johst B., Roese M., Bitterlich M., FRanken P. and Kühn C. |
Brassinosteroids and sucrose transport in mycorrhizal tomato plants....
Plant signaling & behavior. 14(1714292)., 2020
Hansch F.*, JAspar H., von Sivers L., Bitterlcih M., Franken P. and Hühn C. |
Break crop benefits in temperate wheat production...
Field Crops Research, 107(3): 185-195, 2008
Kirkegaard, J; Christen, O; Krupinsky, J; Layzell, D. |
Breaking new ground at the interface of dendroecology and mycology...
Trends in Plant Sciences 19(10): 613-614p., 2014
Ulf Büntgen, Simon Egli |
Bridging reproductive and microbial ecology: a case study in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi....
The ISME Journal. 13: 873-884., 2019
Aguilar-Trigueros C. A.*, Hempel S., Powell J. R., Cornwell W. K. and Rillig M. C. |
Brief mycological communications. Mykologische Kurzmitteilungen ...
Boletus. 32(1): 63-69p. , 2010
Bringing reproductive and microbial ecology: a case study in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi....
The ISME Journal. 13: 873-884., 2019
Aguilar-Trigueros C. A.*, Hempel S., Powell J. R., Cornwell W. K. and Rillig M. C. |
Broad compatibility in fungal root symbioses...
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 20: 135–145p., 2014
Alga Zuccaro, Urs Lahrmann, Gregor Langen |
Buffering effect of elemental sulfur on mycorrhizal infection of leek...
Journal of Plant Nutrition, 35 (5): 678-687p. , 2012
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Building a mycorrhizal ell: How to reach compatibility between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi....
Journal of Plant Interactions. 1(1): 3-13., 2005
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C allocation to the fungus is not a cost to the plant in ectomycorrhizae...
Oikos, 121 (3): 449-463p. , 2012
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C and N stable isotope signatures reveal constraints to nutritional modes in orchids from the Mediterranean and Macaronesia...
American Journal of Botany. 97(6): 903-912p, 2010.
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C-14 transfer between the spring ephemeral Erythronium americanum and sugar maple saplings via arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ...
Oecologia, 132(2): 181-187p., 2002
Lerat S., Gauci R., Catford J.G., Vierheilig H ., Piche Y., Lapointe L |
C:N:P stoichiometry and specific growth rate of clover colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi...
Plant and Soil 326(1/2): 21-29p., 2010
Chen M M., Yin H B., O |
Cadmium immobilization in the rhizosphere of arbuscular mycorrhizal plants by the fungal extraradical mycelium...
Plant and Soil. 332(1/2):511-520p., 2010
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Cadmium in soil-plant systems: an overview...
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 33(2-3): 275-291, 2008
AlvarezAyuso, E. |
Caesium inhibits the colonization of Medicago truncatula by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 141(March): 57–61p., 2015
Lea Wiesel, Sergiy Dubchak, Katarzyna Turnau, Martin R. Broadley, Philip J. White |
Calcium isotope fractionation in alpine plants...
Biogeochemistry 112(1-3): 373-388p., 2013
R. S. Hindshaw, B. C. Reynolds, J. G. Wiederhold, M. Kiczka, R. Kretzschmar, B. Bourdon |
Calcium Signaling during Reproduction and Biotrophic Fungal Interactions in Plants...
Molecular Plant, Volume 8, Issue 4, 595-611 pp, 2015
Junyi Chen, Caroline Gutjahr, Andrea Bleckmann, Thomas Dresselhaus |
California Porcini: Three New Taxa, Observations on Their Harvest, and the Tragedy of No Commons1...
Economic Botany. 62(3): 356-375p., 2008
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Campione Chronic nitrogen deposition reduces the abundance of dominant forest understory and groundcover species, Forest Ecol...
Forest Ecology and Management, 293: 39-48p., 2013
Alan F. Talhelm, Andrew J. Burton, Kurt S. Pregitzer, Marcella A. |
Can arbsucular mycorrhizal fungi from non-invaded montane ecosystems facilitate the growth of alien trees?...
Mycorrhiza. 29(1): 39-49., 2019
Urcelay C.*, Longo S., Geml J. and Tecco P. A. |
Can arbuscular mycorrhiza and fertilizer management reduce phosphorus runoff from paddy fields?...
Journal of Environmental Sciences 33: 211-218, 2015
Shujuan Zhang; Li Wang; Fang Ma; Xue Zhang; Zhe Li; Shiyang Li; Xiaofeng Jiang |
Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve competitive ability of dill + common bean intercrops against weeds?...
European Journal of Agronomy. 75:60-71p., 2016
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Can hypodermal passage cell distribution limit root penetration by mycorrhizal fungi?...
New Phytologist, 180(3): 696-701, 2008
Sharda, JN*; Koide, RT. |
Can intra-specific genetic variation in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus etunicatum) affect a mesophyll-feeding herbivore...
ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY. 32(4):428-434p., 2007
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Can isotopic fractionation during respiration explain the C-13-enriched sporocarps of ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi?...
New Phytologist.177(4):1012-1019p., 2008
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Can mycorrhizal inoculation stimulate the growth and flowering of peat-grown ornamental plants under standard or reduced wate...
Applied Soil Ecology 80(August): 93-99p., 2014
David Püschel, Jana Rydlová, Miroslav Vosátka |
Can optimality models and an ‘optimality research program’help us understand some plant–fungal relationships?...
Fungal Ecology. 1(4): 115-123p., 2008
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Can root-feeders alter the composition of AMF communities? Experimental evidence from the dune grass Ammophila arenaria...
Basic and Applied Ecology. 10(2): 131-140p., 2009
RodriguezEcheverria S., delaPena E., Moens M., Freitas H., vanderPutten W. H. |
Can soil properties and agricultural land use affect arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities indigenous from the Argentinea...
Applied Soil Ecology 101: 47-56, 2016
Islas, A J T*; Guijarro, K H; Eyherabide, M; Rozas, H R S; EcheverrÃa, H E; Covacevich, F |
Can soil properties and agricultural land use affect arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities indigenous from the Argentinea...
Applied Soil Ecology. 101:47-56p., 2016
Islas A. J. T., Guijarro K. H., Eyherabide M., Rozas H. R. S., EcheverrÃa H. E., Covacevich F. |
Can the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices actively mobilize P from rock phosphates?...
PEDOBIOLOGIA. 51(4):281-286, 2007
Antunes, PM; Schneider, K; Hillis, D; Klironomos, JN. |
Can thinning alleviate negative effects of fertilization on boreal forest floor vegetation?...
Forest Ecology and Management 310: 382-392p., 2013
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Can we develop general predictive models of mycorrhizal fungal community-environment relationships?...
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Cantharellaceae of Guyana II: New species of Craterellus, new South American distribution records for Cantharellus guyanensis...
Mycologia 106(2): 307-324p., 2014
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Carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber borchii Vittad...
Recent Research Developments in Microbiology, 8: 201-217p., 2004
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Carbon allocation to ectomycorrhizal fungi correlates with belowground allocation in culture studies...
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Carbon allocation, belowground transfers, and lipid turnover in a plant-microbial association...
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 76 (5):1614-1623p. , 2012
Francisco J. Calderón *a, David J. Schultzb and Eldor A. Paul |
Carbon and nitrogen accumulation and microbial activity in Mount St. Helens pyroclastic substrates after 25 years...
Plant and Soil. 315(1-2): 211-228p., 2009
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Carbon and nitrogen fluxes between beech and their ectomycorrhizal assemblage...
Mycorrhiza 24(8): 645-650p., 2014
Kerttu Valtanen, Verena Eissfeller, Friderike Beyer, Dietrich Hertel, Stefan Scheu, Andrea Polle |
Carbon and nitrogen gain during the growth of orchid seedlings in nature...
New Phytologist 202(2): 606-615p., 2014
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Carbon and nitrogen metabolism in mycorrhizal networks and mycoheterotrophic plants of tropical forests: a stable isotope ana...
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Carbon and nitrogen supply to the underground orchid, Rhizanthella gardneri. ...
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Carbon availability triggers fungal nitrogen uptake and transport in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (7): 2666-2671p., 2012
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Carbon availability triggers the decomposition of plant litter and assimilation of nitrogen by an ectomycorrhizal fungus...
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Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Does Not Reduce Leaf Longevity or Alter Accumulation of Carbon Reserves in the Woodland Spring Ephe...
Annals of Botany, 102(5): 835-843, 2008
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Carbon dynamics in mycorrhizal symbioses is linked to carbon costs and phosphorus benefits....
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 72(1): 123-131p., 2010
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